Email Server Settings
The email server must be configured correctly to support the LHC email notification feature. Consult your IT administrator to determine the proper configuration settings.
- SMTP Server: Enter the name of the email server that will handle LHC email alerts.
- Port: Define the email server port; default value = 25.
- Timeout: Specify the wait time in seconds; default value = 4.
Use these fields to comply with your organization's security policy:
Secure connection (SSL) required: requires all emails to be encrypted.
Server requires authentication: prohibits anonymous messaging.
Email From: Enter text to display as the name of the email sender. The default example is a good practice if you do not want to receive replies to the email alerts, i.e. "LHC_Event@Do_Not_Reply" in the name. Alternatively, enter a valid email address to which recipients can reply to the alert.
Email recipients are defined in the Email Alerts tab.